Use "foment|fomented|fomenting|foments" in a sentence

1. Nurturing prejudice foments racial hatred

2. They were accused of fomenting rebellion.

3. The activists were charged with fomenting revolution.

4. That's an attempt to foment discord.

5. 12 Who are the ones fomenting this rebellious attitude?

6. The rebels know the truth and seek to foment revolution.

7. They never foment revolution or participate in acts of civil disobedience.

8. The still - simmering possibility of previously unthinkable defaults by west European states continues to foment uncertainty.

9. In fact, both the Catholic and the Protestant churches have fomented religious wars.

10. Why did the silversmiths of Ephesus foment a riot, and how was it ended?

11. Taken to its extreme, it foments division and fuels Alt-Right angst, Cheapening true issues o

12. The song was banned on the grounds that it might foment racial tension.

13. (a) whether it is a fact that Myanmar is fomenting extremism and Jehadi activities in North-Eastern States;

14. However, a year later, Myeong fomented a revolt against King Huigang which killed several of the King's aides.

15. Synonyms for Chafed include excited, provoked, incited, riled, stirred up, fomented, impassioned, inflamed, rallied and roiled

16. For more years than I care to recall, the media have served as a willing accessory in fomenting environmental hysteria.

17. 20 The tepid federal response to the assault and murder of civil rights workers engaged in nonviolent activities fomented distrust.

18. In addition to unorganized individual and mob action, the Klan continued to foment racial violence.

19. The tepid federal response to the assault and murder of civil rights workers engaged in nonviolent activities fomented distrust.

20. Rumor mongering was discouraged on the grounds it fomented divisions in America and promoted defeatism and alarmism.

21. But this aggressor, this human, conspired with them to disgrace a proud warrior and foment rebellion.

22. An Arab uprising against us, which the Germans were definitely trying foment, would have been disastrous.

23. Foment a mass exodus of key executives who actually know how to run the giant computer company.

24. At the same time, we absolutely oppose any effort to foment separatism inside of Pakistan, including in Baluchistan.

25. The Comintern gained strength during the 1920s, but its efforts to foment revolution, notably in Germany, were unsuccessful

26. They will foment trouble in all three Baltic republics,( where there are large Russian - speaking minorities.

27. For example, in his inspired letters to Timothy, the apostle Paul referred to men who fomented “violent disputes about trifles.”

28. Nevertheless, Musharraf’s men have skillfully fractured the main Islamic opposition party, Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), with bribes, blackmail, and internal dissension fomented by agent provocateurs.

29. It Agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, and foments occasionally riot and insurrection

30. Semiticise english reflective essay foment Cogitatingly buy essays animal cruelty research papers papers, hatsful, then branches outside of yourself congregational pettifogger

31. Tom Hayden recalled the foment in Chicago 28 years ago that propelled him as a young radical into the national spotlight.

32. The result has been a series of increasingly bizarre and destructive blowups that generally foment a lot of confusion be-fore petering out.

33. A mass exile of Mozambique's political intelligentsia to neighbouring countries provided havens from which radical Mozambicans could plan actions and foment political unrest in their homeland.

34. (John 8:44) The Devil, whom Jesus called “the ruler of this world,” clearly has a prominent role in fomenting evil. —John 16:11; 1 John 5:19.

35. Barack Obama has been labeled 'a racial Arsonist' by Tucker Carlson, with the Fox News host accusing the former president of emerging only to foment societal tension

36. On the contrary, the bounds of the Commentariat is designed to contain controversy as much (as we will see) as it is designed to foment it, for such …

37. Other articles where Brigandage is discussed: Italy: Condition of the Italian kingdom: …an especially violent form of Brigandage, which, though fomented and often assisted by emissaries of the exiled Francis II, was a form of class warfare against the agrarian bourgeoisie

38. Port Royal des Champs, Abbesses ofFrench nuns whose principled refusal to submit to dilutions in the reform of their order led to their persecution on suspicion of fomenting rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church and King Louis XIV

39. The Imperial biographer and historian Suetonius saw the aerarium militare as a response to the uncertainty of retired military men in need who might be inclined to support a coup or foment unrest.

40. The reaction of China’s leaders to the America’s accidental attack on China’s embassy in Belgrade in 1998, and to the collision of an American spy plane with a Chinese plane over the Pacific, was to permit, if not foment, large anti-foreign demonstrations.

41. Douglas's strategy in the debates was to picture Lincoln as a fanatical "Black Republican" and "Amalgamationist" whose goal was to foment civil war, emancipate the slaves, and make them the social and political equals of whites

42. In his famous Farewell Address, he warned us against "the Baneful effects of the spirit of [political] party." A political party, he wrote, "agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection.

43. De ce côté là, le Crocodiles d'Echo and the Bunnymen a tout d'un premier album longuement fomenté, précieusement mis au point par des musiciens qui, enfin !, ont le droit à la reconnaissance professionnelle après laquelle il courait tant